Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ad Hominem Asshole Award

This is a common breed of Internet Asshole, one that resorts to name calling or belittling personal attacks to support their position. While the person may even have some valid points they lose all credibility because they themselves don't have enough conviction without falling back on "Well you're wrong because you're less of a person than I am."

The Voice of Reason(A misnomer?) takes home this award from his/her comment on the Seminole Heights Blog
A person who believes differently must lack maturity and needs to grow up. Perhaps Voice you should grow up and learn to debate without the name calling. Congratulations Asshole.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

In Lieu of an Internet Nominee Let Me Introduce the General Asshole Award

With the lack of any local Internet-related Asshole activity, I will throw out an award for Largo City Commission and their handling of the Steve Stanton situation. I have a difficult time seeing how this isn't a case of gender discrimination though the legal definition of gender will certainly be argued. It's unfortunate that they couldn't just do the right thing, and keep this the non-issue(from a city governement standpoint) it should be.

Congratulations to those members of the Largo City Commission that had a hand in this for being complete Assholes.

I Guess We Can All Get Along

So far so good, but bad for business. While it's nice to see so many polite exchanges, it's not making my new blog any easier. I haven't seen any real award-worthy Internet activity the past couple of days, but I am vigilantly watching. Don't let me down.